Cache not clearing on exit

Feel free to post bug reports here. I need exact, detailed steps showing me how I can re-create the bug on my machine, so give as much info and detail as possible.
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Cache not clearing on exit

Post by vialli25 »

I was under the impression that the cache should be clearing every time I close kJams. However, it says it's clearing the cache but never does. It got to the point where the cache got so huge that my computer literally ran out of space on my hard drive. That's when I had to investigate what was going on and found the kJams cache to be the culprit.

Could someone please explain to me how kJams uses the cache and why it's so huge? Mine got about 250GB at one point before I had to manually clear it in preferences.

I'm running OS X 10.7 Lion on a 13inch Macbook Pro Core i5 with 4GB ram.

I also have a problem where every time I open kJams the first search will take 5mins+ as though kJams has to index my entire library every time I open it. This problem only started happening after I updated the program roughly 5 months ago. Any ideas?


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Re: Cache not clearing on exit

Post by dave »

I was under the impression that the cache should be clearing every time I close kJams
nope, don't know where you got that idea, but the cache is persistent. that means you can quit kjams, then come back, and your cached files are still there. it's a feature.
it says it's clearing the cache but never does
where/when does it say that it's clearing the cache?
the cache got so huge that my computer literally ran out of space
well, that can only be pilot error (or a bug), you're supposed to have the cache set to about 10 or 20 songs. not more than that. what is yours set to? If you set it to some crazy-big value, then set it back down to say 15, and your life will be normal again :)
search will take 5mins
be sure you're NOT showing the columns you don't actually need to search on

or: do targeted searches:

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