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  1. do the entire "Post Install" folder
    1. when installing VS Community:
      1. under "workloads"
        1. dotnet
        2. desktop
      2. then under "individual"
        1. dotnet 3.5
        2. SDK 19041 (required to link OleAut32 under Qt6)
        3. C++ ATL for v141, 142 build tools (not with spectre mitigations)
        4. C++ MFC for v141, 142 build tools (not with spectre mitigations)
        5. Windows 10 SDK (10.0.22000.0) or later (for C++17)
    2. prefer "download then install"
    3. on ARM you will need to install debugging libs, see this article, see the zip file
    4. you will need to install the extension "Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects" for the version of VS that you have (currently 2019)
  2. when building, you may need to ensure all projects target dotnet 3.5, and that the package assemblies come out of davec/.nuget/packages and not the system paths. note the json library should be v11, NOT v12 as indicated by PaddleSDK
  3. build the XPlat debug Lite and Pro versions on mac
  4. run them each (this will export the windows Menu resources)
  5. go get the latest CrashRpt
    1. unzip it to a folder called "CrashRpt" under "depot/kJams/External/
    2. create the solution file with CMake
    3. build both debug and release
  6. in MSDev, go to "Solution Explorer", right click on "kJams", pick "properties". Set "configuration" to "all configurations", go to "configuration properties"->"Debugging",set "command" to:
    $(SolutionDir)build\kJams $(ConfigurationName).app\Contents\Windows\$(TargetFileName)
    for CFTest, the same command is:
  7. in MSDev, go to "Property Pages", then pick "Configuration: All Configurations", then go to "Configuration Properties->Linker->Command Line" and add this:
    /DYNAMICBASE /ignore:4099
  8. install parallels, get that going
  9. install Perforce, and when creating a workspace, set your linefeeds to "unix"
  10. change the names of the User Files
  11. if IncrediBuild isn't using all cores, to to tray icon->agent settings->VS Builds->Advanced->PDB File Alloc: shut off the limiter
  12. create the
  13. if the Z drive is a network drive, you'll also need to do this, and this