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When you run kJams for the first time, Windows Defender may post a virus notification, and then kJams crashes (exits unexpectedly).

How to Fix this

  1. go to start menu->settings
  2. go to "Windows Updates" (Win 10) or "Updates & Security" (Win 11)
  3. if there are updates to do, do them, else you're done
  4. restart your computer if it asks you to
  5. go to step 1 and DO IT ALL AGAIN

AFTER all the updates have been installed and you've restarted, then try running kJams. If THAT still fails, please notify me because I will have to notify Microsoft that their virus definitions are broken (again!).

But if it fails, then do the below procedure:

Windows 10

  1. Here is the notification you'll see:
  2. Click the banner to get details, you'll see this:
  3. This is known to be a "false positive". See the word "Severe" there on the right? See the little downward pointing chevron under it? Click that.
  4. "User account control" may (or may not) now show a dialog that asks "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device", specifying that the app is "Windows Security". If you see this dialog, click "Yes".
  5. Now you should see this:
  6. Now click on the "Actions" button and pick "Allow", like this:
  7. Now run kJams again, and you'll have no problems.

Windows 11

You may not even SEE a notification on windows 11

  1. Here is the notification you may see:

  2. go to the task bar and search for "defender", then open that
  3. you will see a tile for "Virus & Threat protection", click that

  4. scroll 'till you see "Virus & threat protection settings", click that

  5. scroll down to "exclusions", click "add or remove exclusions"

  6. click the "+ add exclusion" button and pick "folder"

  7. navigate to "C:\Program Files (x86)", and scroll down to "kJams", and select it (xyz is Lite, Pro, or 2)

  8. then click "select folder" at the bottom right

  9. Now run kJams again, and you'll have no problems.