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Rogue-rogues don't come with an installer. this makes them more of a hassle to use.

There are three editions of kJams: Lite, Pro, and 2. Below, i'll refer to the Edition with XXX, where you substitute the name of the edition you are dealing with.

  1. download the edition you need
  2. the file is a ZIP file but it will be displayed in "Windows Explorer" as a folder, do not be confused by this, it is still zipped
    Rogue 01.png
  3. you have to unzip the "kJams" folder to the "Desktop" folder
  4. To unzip, just drag "kJams" to the desktop
    Rogue 02.png
  5. You'll see a progress bar
    Rogue 03.png
  6. it will land on the desktop, looking like a folder
    Rogue 04.png
  7. you may then throw out the zip file
  8. open the .app folder, and go into Contents, then into Windows
  9. in there you'll see "kJams XXX.exe". Note you may NOT see ".exe" if you have file extensions hidden.
    Rogue 05.png
  10. select that, right click, then pick "create shortcut"
    Rogue 06.png
  11. you'll see the shortcut file
    Rogue 07.png
  12. drag the shortcut top your desktop
    Rogue 08.png
  13. you'll then see the shortcut file on the desktop
    Rogue 09.png
  14. you can now close the window
  15. feel free to rename that shortcut, if you like
  16. use that shortcut to launch kJams

When a new update arrives via installer, just install it like normal, then trash the .app and the shortcut from your desktop. If you go and get another rogue, without getting a new update thru the installer, then you just trash the .app folder, and replace it with the new rogue using the steps above. There is no need to create another short cut, the current one will continue to work.