KJams Cue/Testing

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To test the kJams Cue app, you must first have "kJams Pro" running, with some songs to test with:

Pick a setup type below (Remote or Local), and follow the steps
Then see this demo video

Remote Setup

  1. launch "kJams Cue"
  2. on the "Venues" screen, at the bottom, tap "Add Venue…"
  3. enter these values: Name: kJams.com, hostname: kjams.com, port: 8080, tap "save"
  4. in the list, tap "kjams.com"

Local Setup

  1. download the "kJams Pro" application from https://karaoke.kjams.com/ (scroll down, click "download"). You will get a "tryout" version, which is fine for testing
  2. Install and run "kJams Pro", it will ask for email address, and ask to download some music stores, enter info, and hit YES on music stores
  3. wait for music stores to install (takes a couple minutes)
  4. in the menu bar, go to "kJams Pro" (app) menu and pick "preferences"
  5. in preferences, go to "Music Stores"
  6. at bottom, in popup menu "Include Store Songs in Library", pick "All Songs", in confirm dialog, click yes
  7. if all activities (progress bars) are complete, quit kjams and run again
  8. you should now see a large library of music
  9. launch "kJams Cue"
  10. Tap the venue "Singers"